

Moore, Samuel. (Forthcoming). Publishing Beyond the Market: Open Access, Care and the Commons (monograph under contract with University of Michigan Press)

Eve, Martin Paul, Veronique Kiermer, Cameron Neylon, Daniel O’Donnell, Samuel Moore, Robert Gadie, Victoria Odeniyi, Shahina Parvin. 2021. Reading Peer Review (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)

Moore, Samuel (ed.). 2014. Issues in Open Research Data (London: Ubiquity Press).

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Adema, Janneke and Samuel Moore (2024) ‘‘Just One Day of Unstructured Autonomous Time’: Supporting Editorial Labour for Ethical Publishing within the University’, New Formations, 110 p.8-27, Postprint:

Moore, Samuel (2023) ‘The Politics of Rights Retention’. Publications 2023, 11(2), 28;

Adema, Janneke and Samuel Moore, (2021). ‘Scaling Small; Or How to Envision New Relationalities for Knowledge Production’ Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 16:1

Moore, Samuel (2021). ‘Open access, Plan S and ‘radically liberatory’ forms of academic freedom’ Development and Change epub ahead of print [open access]

Moore, Samuel (2020) ‘Individuation through infrastructure: Get Full Text Research, data extraction and the academic publishing oligopoly’ Journal of Documentation [open access version:]

Moore, Samuel (2019). ‘Revisiting “the 1990s debutante”: scholar-led publishing and the pre-history of the open access movement’, The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology [open access version:]

Moore, Samuel and Janneke Adema (2018). ‘Collectivity and Collaboration: Imagining New Forms of Communality to Create Resilience in Scholar-led Publishing’, Insights, vol 31, no. 1

——–  (2017). ‘A genealogy of open access: negotiations between openness and access to research’ Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication. DOI: 10.4000/rfsic.3220 [open access]

Moore, Samuel, Cameron Neylon, Martin Paul Eve, Daniel Paul O’Donnell, and Damian Pattinson (2017). ‘“Excellence R Us”: University Research and the Fetishisation of Excellence’. Palgrave Communications 3 (January): 16105. DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2016.105 [open access]

Mabile, Laurence; De Castro, Paola; Bravo, Elena; Parodi, Barbara; Thomsen, Mogensa; Moore, Samuel; Cambon-Thomsen, Anne (2016). Towards new tools for bioresource use and sharing Information Services & Use, vol. 36, no. 3-4, pp. 133-146,

Book chapters

Moore, Samuel. 2018. ‘The ‘Care-full’ Commons” in Deville, Moore and Nadim eds. The Commons and Care, (Coventry: Post Office Press),

Moore, Samuel. 2018. ‘Open/Access: Negotiations around a concept’ in Open Divide? Critical Studies on Open Access. Herb & Schöpfel eds. Litwin Books.

Policy papers, reviews and other writings

Moore, Samuel. 2020. ‘Look to the commons for the future of R&D and science policyLSE Impact Blog

Moore, Samuel. 2020. ‘Without stronger academic governance, Covid-19 will concentrate the corporate control of academic publishing’ LSE Impact Blog

Henk, Mandy; Angelo, Anton; Barbour, Ginny; Moore, Samuel. 2019. Centring Our Values: Open Access for Aotearoa (policy paper)

Moore, Samuel. 2018. Review of Anti-Book: On the Art and Politics of Radical Publishing by Nicholas Thoburn. Cultural Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09502386.2018.1472619

Adema, Janneke and Samuel Moore. 2017. ‘The Radical Open Access Collective: building alliances for a progressive, scholar-led commons’ LSE Impact Blog

Moore, Samuel, Jonathan Gray, and Danny Lämmerhirt. 2016. ‘PASTEUR4OA Briefing Paper: Infrastructures for Open Scholarly Communication’.

Moore, Samuel. 2016. ‘PASTEUR4OA Briefing Paper: Open Access Monographs’.